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Automated Security Operations


To keep up with the volume, sophistication, and speed of today’s cyber threats, you need AI-driven security operations that can function at machine speed. Our Security Operations portfolio provides advanced threat detection and response capabilities, centralized security monitoring, and automation across the entire Fortinet Security Fabric.

Stay Ahead of Threats

Fortinet utilizes many types of artificial intelligence in various locations for faster and stronger defense. Threat intelligence from FortiGuard Labs, inline security controls deployed throughout the organization, and centralized advanced threat detection and response in the SOC combine to deliver comprehensive protection from even the newest threats.

Fortinet's Security Operations portfolio protects against threats

Close All Gaps


In addition to covering the breadth of the attack surface, AI-driven Security Operations inspects along the whole cyber kill chain. From earliest stage reconnaissance and weaponization, all the way through to the cybercriminal’s ultimate action on objectives. In this manner, organizations use the sophistication of multi-stage cyber-campaigns against their operators, gaining multiple opportunities to identify the attack in progress before harm is done.



Challenge: Security Operations

icon challenge attack surface

Expanded Attack Surface

Digital innovation (including WFA, cloud, and supply chain)- has expanded the attack surface and cyber exposure

icon challenge evolving attacks

Evolving and Evasive Attacks

Increasingly sophisticated multi-stage campaigns mimicking legitimate activities often evade security

icon challenge deployment complexity

Security Complexity

Large number of security products & consoles, slow identification and response, exacerbated by the cyber skills shortage

Industry Analyst Recommendations


"The #1 reason organizations believe security operations are more difficult than they were two years ago is that the threat landscape is evolving and changing rapidly."


ESG SOC Modernization and the Role of XDR, ESG, October 2022 


"Rapid response of only minutes at best is required…This forces organizations to reduce the time to respond, typically by delegating more tasks to machines."


Gartner Market Guide for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response Solutions, June 2019


"Cybersecurity product consolidation is transforming security buying. 75% of organizations are currently pursuing a security vendor consolidation — only 29% did so in 2020."


Gartner How SASE, XDR and Security Vendor Consolidation Are Shaping Your Security Strategy, June 2022

Enterprise Analyst Validation

ESG Economic Validation on Fortinet SecOps Fabric
ESG Economic Validation: The Quantified Benefits of Fortinet Security Operations Solutions. Improved security team operational efficiency and reduced risk to the organization, each by up to 99%. Written by Aviv Kaufmann, Practice Director and Principal Economic Validation Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group. July 2023
The Quantified Benefits of Fortinet Security Operations Solutions
As enterprises evolve, new technologies emerge, and cybercriminals introduce more sophisticated attacks, security leaders and their teams face a variety of challenges in securing the organization’s networks. This new report published by Enterprise Strategy Group details the benefits of using Fortinet Security Operations solutions, including improved operational efficiency and more effective risk management.
Download Report »

Fortinet SecOps Fabric


1 hour
to detect and contain
down from 180 hours


lower expected breach cost


10 minutes
to investigate and remediate
down from 18.5 hours


with distributed security controls across network, endpoint, application and cloud covers the expanded digital attack surface

Artificial Intelligence

applied across the cyber kill chain detects components and activity designed to bypass traditional security and hide among legitimate operations

Automation and Augmentation

speed a comprehensive, coordinated response and ease the burden on in-house security teams


Security Fabric analytics and automation

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Use Cases

Fortinet AI-Driven Security Operations solutions speed security operations with artificial intelligence to reduce risk and improve efficiency.

Endpoint Security

Combining behavior-based endpoint protection, detection, and response offers a modern approach to endpoint security. Fortinet uses multiple machine-learning and deep-learning technologies to power all three functions at each endpoint.

Early Detection and Prevention

Fortinet provides a range of behavior-based detection and response capabilities that include and go beyond the endpoint. Sandbox analysis, network detection and response, deception, user and entity behavior analytics, and more, work as integrated extensions of inline security controls to thwart cyberattacks.

SOC Platform

Designed to meet the needs of organizations of varying sizes and security maturity, a range of security options provide centralized visibility, analytics, and control across the security infrastructure.

Fortinet Solutions by Industry